Interior designer, ex tv personality and above all world traveller.........

Managed to tick off 116 countries so far and I have become a bit of a master on longhaul weekend trips. So why not start sharing some of those experiences.............I have a lot of opinions on airlines premium services and so far the winner is Singapore airlines tightly followed by Virgin atlantic and their upper can´t beat the bar onboard to kill time across the Atlantic.

I will also share some design inspiration from my trips and cool bars and restaurants.

2016 > 03

Seriously stay away from qatars 777 it's the old type of flat bed , slmost flat, you slide down towards the floor and my chair was broken so a ski slope. Their 787 had 1-2-1 configuration , 10 times better and lives up to the title 5 star airline
In other words had a rather crappy sleep

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It's almost 30 years ago I sailed in to sydney for the first time. Obviously it was extra magical the first time but it still gives me goosbumps. Sydne harbour is ine of the worlds largest natural harbours and has mesmorized people for centuries. First came the prisoners and then came the immigrants and settlers from europe and in later years asia. All full of hope for a better future on a continent far away from home. Sydney and Austraila still today has a cerrain vibe and energy Of starting fresh and building a better future, it's a true melting pot where integration has suceeded .........

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I know you are 28 I know you are tined I know you have a tight butt. You nocked my non alcoholic beer on your H&M outfit and got bitter .........
Bitter you get at 84 not 28
And pal I've got news for you yor ass will soon sag and your hair will be just a memory so drop the bitter attitude it makes you old and ugly


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I have now seen the lifeguards in action. It got a bit windy today and the surf and waves were pretty fierce. Lifeguards shouted on their megaphones foe people to stay close to the flags - but do people listen ???
No - 5 stupid girls went swimming really close to the rocks ofcourse the current did it's thing and they were about to be smashed against the cliffs........
Quite dramatic with lots of screaming and crying from the girls - lifeguards were there on their boards in no time and rescued all of them. I'm glad I'm not a lifeguard I would have left them, I mean seriously if you are that stupid and cocky an ignore the warnings from proffessionals perhaps you don't deserve to be rescued ???
Anyway, the girls are alive for this time but unfortunately there is no rescue for ignorance and stupid

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No no it's not a fetish thing you find in a darkroom in some gay leather bar, it's a manbag straight men of a certain age insist on using when they travel. Why it got the name gay sling is beyond me, no fag would be caught dead with one.
I spotted this when I was having breakfast this morning , I mean really ???

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Besides the size and the amount of people there are a few things that stand out. The time money and effort put in to the parade and the floats are amazing. In stockholm it sometimes feels like all we can do is put a bunch of political and angry dykes on the back of a truck and call it a float.
There is also not a designated pride park - the whole city is a pride venue open to everyone, however the gay area around oxford street becomes a "pride park" without the fence.
There is of course the big end party, a huge venue with 60.000 people attending. It was hysterical and fun, but I gave up around 3 am - the party went on 'til 8 and then plenty of after parties. Gay sydney is extremely drug orientated and pills is the big thing, so for us drinkers it's a bit of a struggle to keep it up 24/7.
There are 10's of thousands of foreign queens in town to fill all the bars - but the big thing for the locals is sunday night after the parade - where there is a party for every taste and fetish. No fag works monday after marsi gras.
So is the parade political ???? Yes and no...... Polititians keep a very low key but the big thing was of course marriage equality.
The biggest + for me was the fact that the whole city participated and gays and straights partied together and weren't seperated like "them and us" like in stockholm.
The biggest - , I should have come more prepared and bought tickets for some of the themed parties - everything was sold out months ago.
It's definetely worth going but plan ahead.
And seriously all you need is a pair of shorts and flip flops for the whole time oh and a t-shirt if you are shy, they reeeeaaaaallllly don't dress up here at all ........

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Some pictures from the parade and party - will write s full review after I get some coffe down my neck

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I never was a big breakfast fan , to tell you the trouth I still have problems getting it down, but have yo because of training. I just found a new favourite
Tomatoes, avocado, olive oil and sour dough toast - simple, fresh and absolutely yummie so hello fresco cafe home at grev turegatan there is going to be a menu change

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Early morning on pride parade day and jetlag is slightly making itself reminded.
Parade is not 'til 7 pm so plenty of time to get ready, I think a long afternoon nap is called for since the big party goes on 'til 8 am sunday .
Have talked to a lot of people here and the big thing for prep for the party is spending 4 hrs in the gym pumping ........ Yes Sydney is very body orientated, well in the gay world at least.
Town is completely packed with americans who are all very excited, almost like it is all very forbidden and naughty.
If there is a god I think he is with us today - 25 degrees, blue skies and a very nice breeze.
Whish you all were here

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What a fab way to start the morning , 1 hr at the gym and now
Super fresh tomato and avocado toast by the sydney opera house, there is something so wonderful with fruit and vegetables that has ripened in the sun. Weather brilliant and I am totally over the chock of having to pay 800 sek duty for a carton of marlboro, you are only allowed to bring 50 cigarettes - well still a bargain a pack here costs over 150 sek.....
After breakfast a stroll back to potts point through the botanical garden - a cpuple of hours on the beach, nap, yoga and dinner followed by a night about town.
Love this lifestyle

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Quatar airways ......
It really is fantastic, the cabin, the food, the seats ....all perfect. The crew is very well trained and deliver.... But not intuitive at all . They do what they are trained to do , nothing more nothing less. Hey no complaints at all but where is the personality ??? 

Sometimes 5 star is rated only on the "hardware" and the software is forgotten which I think is bad. 
Yes I am very happy I am on quatar for this 14 hour flight , I just had an amazing dinner, will watch a movie and then sleep in a bed thats probably more comfy than my own. The sarcastic fun loving twinkle in the eye from a 60 year old BA trolley dolley just isn't there and I miss it 

Oh and they have no sambuca so I have to suffer through baileys

Oh and the predominantly thai crew onboard hates me....
Some parents thaught it was very funny to have their 2,5 year old son run up & down the isle for 20 minutes screaming of joy .......yeah really very cute ???? I finally put my foot down and now parents and child loving thai crew hates me .....
For fucks sake get a nanny and put her and the child in coach 
I suspect it's airline crew on staff tickets ..... Well everyone except me thaught it was very cute ??????

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Had to suffer through security again and they really don't have control over who's premium or cattle. Lounge is wonderful huge. Today though out of champagne
Well a premium scotch works just as well - I do miss my gold card with access to the first lounge but working on it. BA changed the rules so have to work a lot harder to get to gold......when am I going to have time to work
So far impressed with quatar

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Finally onboard and so far lives up to my expectations. Very nice single seat by the window , very spacious and exeptionally wide seats for a modern business class.
The champagne today is billecart-salmon, which I have not encoyntered before but brilliantly dry and light, well suited for a morning flight.
I always said vacation starts with the flight - and boy what a brilliant start.
For lunch I think I will choose the celebrity chef dish - chicken tikka masala
Have a nice day you all

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Five star airline but undortunately third party lounge , pretty much 2 star. Don't get me wrong it was perfectly nice but the selection is as close to a cheap b&b as it gets ...... Only stayed 5 mins which was more than enough

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This time I cannot be acused of travelling with to much luggage. I am however panicung a bit
I mean 6 pairs of shoes ??? 7 days and 7 nights .......usually requires 14 pairs

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As usual I run out of time and my travel date has moved closer with the speed of light Just finished a client meeting and now home to pack, and I am seriously going to try to pack light this time. 27 degrees in Sydney and it is a very casual place, but the concept of packing a pair of shorts a couple of t-shirts and flip flops never worked for me, believe me I have tried. It is after all Mardi gras/pride, but thank god I am not a drag queen who needs to pack 12 pairs of heals and a ton of feathers as well. I am however not going to pack 12 pairs of shoes, 6 blazers and a full collection of sunglasses for every occasion (that´s my aim anyway)

I have already bleached my hair, smered myself in self tanning cream, plocked my eybrows and printed out boarding cards. Need to get half a bottle of red wine to prepare the stomach for changing of timezones and pack my handluggage full of mousturizing cream to avoid showing up looking more like a prune than I already do.
Later tonight I will take a yoga class to stretch the old limbs and and inject some zen tranquility in to my body. 

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I don´t know if it´s a gay thing or not but I always dress up for flying. I guess it´s an old habit from the old days when I travelled coach and desperately was hoping for an upgrade. These days even people in business and first class dress for comfort and it seriously offends me. I know it´s not comfortable to sleep in a suit and not all airlines provide pyjamas unless you are in first but seriously pack your comfort wear and change after dinner. It is rather off putting to sit and drink your champagne and eat a nice lunch or dinner when your fellow passengers are dressed like it´s "fredagsmys" (swedish ritual meaning eating potato chips in your comfort wear in front of the tv on a fridays) The attitude seems to be "I paid for it so I can dress however I want" Frankly the whole idea of comfort wear is alien to me.
Most people in a premium cabin travel for business purposes, and they have drsscodes in the office, why shouldn´t that apply when you travel as well ???
We can not always blame the airlines for taking the glamour out of premium travel, as a passenger you have to make an effort as well...............How much fun can it be for a cabin attndant to perform caviar service to people in sneakers and sweat pants ???

I urge al airlines to implement a dress code in premium cabins, not only for travelling crew but for all passengers.

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