Interior designer, ex tv personality and above all world traveller.........

Managed to tick off 116 countries so far and I have become a bit of a master on longhaul weekend trips. So why not start sharing some of those experiences.............I have a lot of opinions on airlines premium services and so far the winner is Singapore airlines tightly followed by Virgin atlantic and their upper can´t beat the bar onboard to kill time across the Atlantic.

I will also share some design inspiration from my trips and cool bars and restaurants.

Making a go at this again. The pandemic threw me off course a bit but I am so ready to get in a first or business class seat again. So far I have booked LA 12-15 november, London in December and Cape Town for New years. 

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On monday I go to Tel Aviv, Israel, adding a new country to my 100+ countries so far (114 I think last time I counted)
I still never get tired of it, my friends probably think I'm a bit crazy but that's my priority in life..... no kids, no summer house, no car rarely buy electronics and flat screen tv's, rarely eat out in stockholm....
I also rarely go anywhere for more than a week - if you fly comfortably, pick good qurkie 3-4 stat hotels in super locations ( 5 star hotels I find the same all over and rather boring, yoi can always have a cocktail there ) and have a well planned schedule going to Mumbai thursday to sunday is perfectly doable and it's amazing what you can achieve in 3 days and inspite flying business or first it actually doesn't have to cost more than going for 7-10 days.
Less hotel night, less meals etc. Another tip is to get a private guide one day - they get you before ques to main attractions, they know quickest ways and best times to go. I believe you can pack in 3 days qualitative sightseeing in 1 day that way. Flying night time is another time saving trick..... obviously works best flying east.......bang 2 hotel nights saved and you get 4 gourmet meals and chamagne thrown in.

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I think everyone 50+ thinks of cosmetic surgery from time to time, but besides actually being afraid of the knife and lack of money I think a lot of people are terrified of looking like a pulled hollywood actor, that was my main concern.
I had my 3 month check up with dr Talei on monday and yes face has some more settling to do and nose needs a lot more time before final results are revealed but boy am I a happy camper, and should something need correcting Dr Talei will tell me, I will never have to tell him, he takes great pride in his work.
For me this has been a true life changing experience - Dr Talei found me again - the Tomas that I have missed and that I knew was hiding there under all that tired saggy skin and that nose with a bump ( fucked up nose job 30 years ago)
It's not pulled tight, my laugh lines are still there, my face still has the expressiveness that 100's of thousands of viewers got to know and love...... I feel I'm back just a perkier version of a 53 year old that has lived life in the fast lane for some 35 years with hard work, partying and late nights.

Thanks Ben, it's been a true life changing exoerience.

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All in all a very pleasant flight, inspite my beef had been completely done to death. Lots of young people in the business class cabin, I'm guessing music industry , but nice vibe when it's not all suits.
If SAS keeps this up and also introduce more longhaul flights I think they might be on to a winner.

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Weather has been shitty so the myth of sunny california went straight down the toilet.. LA still delivers - can't put my finger on it but I think LA kind of represents the essence of america. Seriously everyone is from somewhere else. When you turn on grindr your phone lights up like a christmas tree.... and every country is represented - huge melting pot. Maybe the gay population is better at integrating than the straight but fuck it's refreshing. I think this is what's going to make it difficult for Donald - america is not and never will be a country full of white churchgoing christian cole miners, it's a country of foreigners from all over the world and that's what makes it great. As long as you work hard you are welcome, christian, catholic, muslim, hindu, atheist, gay, transsexual, black, fat.... you name it. Yes there are assholes from everywhere but you can't exclude the good ones because of a few bad.
America don't let Donald ruin what makes america great..... happy days and Fonzie is a thing of the past .

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They took my coat, served a glass of pre take off champagne, hot towel and handed out menues. Menues look great and like the touch with swedish bleek roe - kind of brings back memories from the times they had caviar service....
SAS new seat has everything you can ask for in a premium seat and all seats have isle access so you dont have to step over people sleeping to go for a wee, finally SAS has a fully flat bed.... took some years but it's great. Tv screen good size and close enough for us 50+ campers to see properly.
The food was top notch and served on china rather than like before , in their foil containers put on a plate.
All in all good but you notice that some consultant has been there and implemented stupid savings. No individual salt and pepper shakers, table cloths too small, napkins have no button hole which I always thaught was a brilliant SAS touch, the so called hästens bedding is s bit of a joke - I mean if it's hästen you expect something extra - it's a thin matress pad and a thin duvet and pillow, the only likeness with hästen beds is the square pattern. I know small things but like I have always said , it's all in the little details.
A note on the service - all very proffesional but they are in a huge hurry to clear your table when you are done which is good but they take your glass and don't offer a refull unless you ask for it..... must create an awful lot o dishes. It felt a bit like you were beeing served by a lutheran housewife - very important to clear table and do dishes asap......
This time I will give SAS 8 out if 10 and with only a few tweeks and if they can keep this level of service on all flights they could very well compete with airlines like quatar and emirates.
Crew was very pleasant, perhaps not with that twinkle in the eye I've learned to love with british airways, but maybe that's a swedish thing....... It felt a bit that the crew actually are beeing a little proud of their airline again, which I don't think they have been for many years.

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Hm 1 drink and then glass is taken away without an offer of a refill ..... guess I'll have to hang on to the call button for 11 hours

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Hm 1 drink and then glass is taken away without an offer of a refill ..... guess I'll have to hang on to the call button for 11 hours

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Hm 1 drink and then glass is taken away without an offer of a refill ..... guess I'll have to hang on to the call button for 11 hours

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As said before switching to star alliance.....kind of starting from scratchno premium lounge access anymore..... had to use the "regular" longe, a bit like a glorified school cafeteria. Plastic cheese, processed boiled eggs and some pressed lios and ass they called ham
Wine comes out of a pump and they are not embarrased to advertise it comes out of a box.
Another thing that irritaded me was business bag drop, 20 people in que and one check un agent - not good .

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