Dr Talei - thank you for finding Tomas again

I think everyone 50+ thinks of cosmetic surgery from time to time, but besides actually being afraid of the knife and lack of money I think a lot of people are terrified of looking like a pulled hollywood actor, that was my main concern.
I had my 3 month check up with dr Talei on monday and yes face has some more settling to do and nose needs a lot more time before final results are revealed but boy am I a happy camper, and should something need correcting Dr Talei will tell me, I will never have to tell him, he takes great pride in his work.
For me this has been a true life changing experience - Dr Talei found me again - the Tomas that I have missed and that I knew was hiding there under all that tired saggy skin and that nose with a bump ( fucked up nose job 30 years ago)
It's not pulled tight, my laugh lines are still there, my face still has the expressiveness that 100's of thousands of viewers got to know and love...... I feel I'm back just a perkier version of a 53 year old that has lived life in the fast lane for some 35 years with hard work, partying and late nights.

Thanks Ben, it's been a true life changing exoerience.

  • Shawn » Cocktail Hour:  ”How did your recovery process go? Just got rhinoplasty myself and I am on day 7,..”
