Love Love LA

Weather has been shitty so the myth of sunny california went straight down the toilet.. LA still delivers - can't put my finger on it but I think LA kind of represents the essence of america. Seriously everyone is from somewhere else. When you turn on grindr your phone lights up like a christmas tree.... and every country is represented - huge melting pot. Maybe the gay population is better at integrating than the straight but fuck it's refreshing. I think this is what's going to make it difficult for Donald - america is not and never will be a country full of white churchgoing christian cole miners, it's a country of foreigners from all over the world and that's what makes it great. As long as you work hard you are welcome, christian, catholic, muslim, hindu, atheist, gay, transsexual, black, fat.... you name it. Yes there are assholes from everywhere but you can't exclude the good ones because of a few bad.
America don't let Donald ruin what makes america great..... happy days and Fonzie is a thing of the past .

  • Shawn » Cocktail Hour:  ”How did your recovery process go? Just got rhinoplasty myself and I am on day 7,..”
