Today I´m having one of those days where everything and everone irritates me. Grown men and 60+ women on the bus with huge back packs they insist on banging in my face, pensioners in the supermarket at lunchtime (they have all day doing nothing, and have to buy cat food lunchtie ?????) taking for ever to pay with their loose change, people in the 7/11 que that can´t make up their mind on a small or large latte, groups of women walking 5 in with on the side walk, mums with strollers on the bus fighting over space so the driver has to shout "maximum 3 strollers on board", garbage truck going at full throttle 5.25 in the morning, beggers shaking their cup right under my nose and to top it off a  Eu invandrare playing the accordian on the subway..................

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