Going under the knife

I have hecitated a long time now about publishing this, there is still a lot of predjudice and stigma around plastic surgery and especially on men
but wtf I actually don´t care about what other people think - I did it for myself not for anyone eles.

Yes I am vain and for 2 years now my saggy face has been annoying the hell out of me............Age graceflly they say, look at the picture - there is nothing graceful about that at all. Wrinkles don´t bother me at all but saggy, loose skin does, particullary at an age of only 52.

My biggest fear about having it done was the prospect of looking like a pulled 70 year old lady so I did my research very well...... In Sweden they didn´t want to do it, they were talking about fat transfers and visible scars e t c - after months of research and looking at 1000´s of before and after pictures (either they look stretched as hell or almost no difference at all) I took off for Beverly Hills and the worlds best facial surgeon for natural results that still show a differnece, Dr ben Talei.

My friends comments were "you are beautiful as you are" "why don´t you have it done somewhere cheap" "your face just shows you have lived" and so on, I love them for saying that but...........

Yes I still want to be me that´s why I choose Dr Talei to do it, no I don´t want a bargain basement facelift and end up on some freaky plastic surgery failure tv show, seriously I don´t buy my clothes at H&M why should I get a H&M facelift ??? and yes I have lived - even a bit too much actually but seriously I don´t want to walk around like an open book flaunting a life of late nights, too much alcohol and a 38 year addiction to Marlboro. I also decided to get rid of the hump on my nose which is a result of a fucked up nose job I had 30 years ago.

I had this done 4+ weeks ago but will  publish my surgery diary day by day with a delay. So pretend I am flying out to LA today, I promise I will post lot´s of pictures

To be continued..............


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