Chems chems chems

Guys guys guys . is this how it's  going to be now ?? 22 years away from the serious gay scene and this is as far we have come ??? Fucking around yes I'm all for it if single or agreed  but wtf

Drugs drugs drugs - you need drugs to have fun, drugs to fuck, drugs to take a big one up your ass or down your throat, drugs to sleep, drugs to relax e t c. And ofcourse if you are top drugs to get it up.........And we are not talking 85+ here and then of course after all that,  hiv drugs to stay alive .........

And people huff and puff and judge me for smoking, well fuck you , atleast I'll die stylish .........and having a fab glass of champagne or a vodka martini is apparently totally out

Well anyway you poppers and other chem fans out there, its only fair to let you know - as a top it really sucks  to fuck someone with a limp poppers dick and an anus so relaxed by drugs you might as well stick your dick in the pacific ocean .... It all feels soooo 1983 ........, Didn't we learn anything from that time??????

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