Travel Prep

As usual I run out of time and my travel date has moved closer with the speed of light Just finished a client meeting and now home to pack, and I am seriously going to try to pack light this time. 27 degrees in Sydney and it is a very casual place, but the concept of packing a pair of shorts a couple of t-shirts and flip flops never worked for me, believe me I have tried. It is after all Mardi gras/pride, but thank god I am not a drag queen who needs to pack 12 pairs of heals and a ton of feathers as well. I am however not going to pack 12 pairs of shoes, 6 blazers and a full collection of sunglasses for every occasion (that´s my aim anyway)

I have already bleached my hair, smered myself in self tanning cream, plocked my eybrows and printed out boarding cards. Need to get half a bottle of red wine to prepare the stomach for changing of timezones and pack my handluggage full of mousturizing cream to avoid showing up looking more like a prune than I already do.
Later tonight I will take a yoga class to stretch the old limbs and and inject some zen tranquility in to my body. 

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