Interior designer, ex tv personality and above all world traveller.........

Managed to tick off 116 countries so far and I have become a bit of a master on longhaul weekend trips. So why not start sharing some of those experiences.............I have a lot of opinions on airlines premium services and so far the winner is Singapore airlines tightly followed by Virgin atlantic and their upper can´t beat the bar onboard to kill time across the Atlantic.

I will also share some design inspiration from my trips and cool bars and restaurants.

2016 > 12

Sometimes you have to face things head on and leave what has passed to the past. You can twist and turn and try to make sense of things that have happened but sometimes you just have to force a change and move on.

3 major things changed my life 2016.

The trial against the idiot that abused me for 2 years finally happened - he got 11 months, not enough but I got closure and moved on.

I woke up broke after 2 years of exessive spending and little work - realized a low budget lifestyle is not my thing - got my shit together and started building a base to make money again.

I threw myself in to the world of plastic surgery - yes my saggy face was so out of sync with my future. It was scary, I didn´t have unrealistic expectations and it was so not in my non existing budget but I did it. I found the most amazing surgeon, Dr Ben Talei. Not only is he a brilliant surgeon, he makes you feel amazing the second you walk in his office............and even more amazing after surgery......have a bit of a crush on him actually (sorry Ben). Can a facelift change your life ??? I don´t know yet has only been 7 weeks but my gut tells me ....... absofuckinglutely.............

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With a new hat, a layer of mineralpowder and a bit of clever shading with a fags best friend the good old bronzing powder I'm ready for a vase size martini at the Abbey....... hold the olives, can't afford the calories

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Finally day 7 and cast off the nose it's swollen. Hump gone and breathing restored, the waiting game begins.

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Day 4 .... I never was the nursing type but getting quite good with the q-tips, peroxide and antibacterial cream he he

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Black and blue from the nose job - I don't think I'll be going on any hot dates tonight......,
On the other hand there are guys on grindr in to all sorts of stuff maybe I should change my profile.... "xl top racoon looking for fun tonight" but then I remembered my instructions - "no straining physical activity" bummer

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Hotelroom surgery recovery sooooo boring.
I love LA you can go out all bruized, stiched and with a nose cast - nobody bats an eyelid.
Dying for a proper coffee and I found a place in Beverly Hills that roasts their iwn beans, so happy I could ditch starbucks.

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Dr Talei, you are a genious - to accomplish so much with so little or actually no pain at all is awesome.
This picture is taken 16 hours after surgery - it looks quite raw but I can assure you it looks a lot worse than it feels ,no pain whatsoever just feels a bit tight and looks a bit pulled towards the sky because of the swelling.
Look I have a jaw line again it's amazing, I am totally extatic.
Now comes the waiting game - the absolute worst for an aires like myself

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All done and bandaged up........ Poor Dr Talei 9,5 hrs - he basically had to rebuild my nose from scratch........amazing to think it´s my rib behind that cast. 

Am I in pain ? No. Obviously I can feel my nose and how he has completely rearranged my neck and face and not just pulled my skin and cut off the slack (and believe me there was a lot of slack), but I think that´s quite cool I really feel like he has put my face and neck back to where it was 30 years ago, muscles and all..........This is going to be so cool.

All bandage except the nose cast will come off tomorrow, I can´t wait, i am sooooo excited.

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So far I haven´t been nervous at all about what I am going to, but Dr Talei has only seen pictures.......... Now I´m nervous, what if he says I´m a lost case and he can´t help me??? 

Stepping in to his office in Beverly Hills I am now very nervous - it feels like I am going for a job intervju.

The absolutely lovely staff shows me in to a room and shortly after Dr Talei joins me. What a fantastic man, extremely proffessional without creating a barrier, very confident in his work super pleasant and funny with a super smile. He makes me feel at ease in 2 minutes and start explaining the proceedures, the face he says is pretty straight forward but the nose could be more complicated so to make sure he has enough material to work with we decide to use some rib cartledge.He takes the before pictures and I get a bunch of prescrpitions for antibiotics, antiswelling drugs, nasuea drugs, pain killers etc......... I feel confident I will not be in any pain whatsoever.

Leaving his office it feels like I have been on a very successful date and I am super positive and excited, I can´t wait to get on the operating table. 


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I have hecitated a long time now about publishing this, there is still a lot of predjudice and stigma around plastic surgery and especially on men
but wtf I actually don´t care about what other people think - I did it for myself not for anyone eles.

Yes I am vain and for 2 years now my saggy face has been annoying the hell out of me............Age graceflly they say, look at the picture - there is nothing graceful about that at all. Wrinkles don´t bother me at all but saggy, loose skin does, particullary at an age of only 52.

My biggest fear about having it done was the prospect of looking like a pulled 70 year old lady so I did my research very well...... In Sweden they didn´t want to do it, they were talking about fat transfers and visible scars e t c - after months of research and looking at 1000´s of before and after pictures (either they look stretched as hell or almost no difference at all) I took off for Beverly Hills and the worlds best facial surgeon for natural results that still show a differnece, Dr ben Talei.

My friends comments were "you are beautiful as you are" "why don´t you have it done somewhere cheap" "your face just shows you have lived" and so on, I love them for saying that but...........

Yes I still want to be me that´s why I choose Dr Talei to do it, no I don´t want a bargain basement facelift and end up on some freaky plastic surgery failure tv show, seriously I don´t buy my clothes at H&M why should I get a H&M facelift ??? and yes I have lived - even a bit too much actually but seriously I don´t want to walk around like an open book flaunting a life of late nights, too much alcohol and a 38 year addiction to Marlboro. I also decided to get rid of the hump on my nose which is a result of a fucked up nose job I had 30 years ago.

I had this done 4+ weeks ago but will  publish my surgery diary day by day with a delay. So pretend I am flying out to LA today, I promise I will post lot´s of pictures

To be continued..............


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