Interior designer, ex tv personality and above all world traveller.........

Managed to tick off 116 countries so far and I have become a bit of a master on longhaul weekend trips. So why not start sharing some of those experiences.............I have a lot of opinions on airlines premium services and so far the winner is Singapore airlines tightly followed by Virgin atlantic and their upper can´t beat the bar onboard to kill time across the Atlantic.

I will also share some design inspiration from my trips and cool bars and restaurants.

2016 > 02

I men seriously do I really think that a push of 2 hours a day in the gym for a week will transform me in to an adonis ????? I' m in fairly good shape for a 52 year old but just slipping in to those aussie bum speedos is not going to make that final push, I mean seriously why do we think if we buy those speedos or underwear the body comes with it !!!!!
Looks like the big swimtrunks will accompany me on this trip as well

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Slightly bluish purple like the golden girls but that usually wears off in a couple of days and the rest I have to leave to the australian sun

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Yellow almost gone
Now some colour

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First chemical attack on my hair to become a "natural blond" thank good easter is around the corner

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SwedishTV3´s new interior design show "Kan vi hjälpa till" is an insult to everyone in my profession. To call a song writer who has a collected design experience of  moving house 3-4 times an interior design expert is real insult. I am sure the entertainment value will be great she is after all an entertainer but what other values will she bring ? In the hunt to make as cheap television as possible anyone can do anything and call them selves an expert. Shame on you TV3 for being so cheap you couldn´t call in a real professional.  

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Tonight is mello competition 3 4 5 .......whatever. Yes beeing gay I am supposed to love it, and I do - 1.30 am at naglo a mello gay bar in stockholm when I am totally sauced on BIB wine and in a dance mood.
Sweden is one of the greatest music producing countries in the world and ......then there is melodifestivalen like my ex Simon expresses it "a display of complete mediocracy"
Are we sure we can't do better ???

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Chilling at home with ny fury friends
It's funny how a holiday including beach and the gayest city in the world can put a dampener on your life. Gym every day, no alcohol, pigging out on boiled eggs, tuna, avocado and high protein chow, yes you become a complete party pooper and bore and you know that you still wont have that perfect beach body you know is hiding there behind the pinot grigio fluff
Had a planned date tonight with someone I have been "working" on for months ....... Didn't show up, am I surprised ? No , this is the new gay etiquette - no fuckin manors. Tomorrow having lunch with one of my ff's - he'd found a boyfriend so I'm out of the game.......whish him all the luck, but he can pick up the tab
Inspite beeing gay and it's schlager night I'm not invited anywhere..... Maybe my comments on the mediocracy of the whole thing don't make me a dinner candidate he he

Have a good sat night
Puss o kram

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Anyone who knows me know I have been a big fan of British Airways for 20 years and have travelled over 500.000 miles in premium cabins with them through the years. No no I am not abandoning them but this time to Sydney I am trying Quatar Airways. My expectations are super high, everyone is ranting and raving about them as beeing the best of the best. My main reason for having an "affair" with another airline is tha BA has drastically changed their loyalty program and my friends, not to the better.................. and they still have a fuel surcharge of 3-4000 on SEK on reward flights on longhaul inspite the oil beeing the cheapest it´s ever been, it´s robbery and a very nasty way of making money off your loyal customers, so maybe it´s time to start looking for a new airline to spend my cash with. I will give a full review her as my trip progresses. Yes I am abit obsessed with premium travel and it´s a big part of my life so hold on BA you might just have lost a very loyal customer.

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Today I´m having one of those days where everything and everone irritates me. Grown men and 60+ women on the bus with huge back packs they insist on banging in my face, pensioners in the supermarket at lunchtime (they have all day doing nothing, and have to buy cat food lunchtie ?????) taking for ever to pay with their loose change, people in the 7/11 que that can´t make up their mind on a small or large latte, groups of women walking 5 in with on the side walk, mums with strollers on the bus fighting over space so the driver has to shout "maximum 3 strollers on board", garbage truck going at full throttle 5.25 in the morning, beggers shaking their cup right under my nose and to top it off a  Eu invandrare playing the accordian on the subway..................

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Wahat is it with straight men
Leaving the house in town with sweatpants ?????? Sjowing up at 7/11
With pee stains ..... There is a time and place for everything and sweatpants belong in the burbs

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Gettin busy now sydney in 10 days new york april 1st, tokyo april 27.......
And provincetown first week in august
So a big gap in between but I'm sure I'll think of something

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Was watching a swedish tv show last night called "Parneviks" , basically it´s Jesper Parnevik anfd his family living in florida recieving swedish celebrity guests.

This is TV3 - our network for 8,5 years and 130 shows.................. 
Every one that´s ever been on TV3 pops up there. Am I bitter they haven´t asked us ??? Yes you bet I am, it hurts knowing that you are completely forgotten by the network you were faithful to for 8,5 years, and you don´t even get asked to be on such a downmarket cheap production.

Simon and I would most likely have turned it down anyway - Just the thaught of being cramed on norwegian in an economy class seat across the atlantic, being put up at the holiday inn (if you are lucky) and one free day ................. and not getting paid!!!!!!! yes that´s how these production companies make cheap television
"It will be so good for your career"

However it would have been nice to be asked................

Love from 
Tv hasbeen


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Since I am travelling alone backpacking is a great way to meet people. No no no, at 51 and a very spoiled traveller that´s not really an option so I have modified the backpacking koncept a bit.

Sydney is a long way to fly so flying economy class is not an option, but besides that I am going to be roughing it a bit, I am not staying at the four seasons, I am not having a car service pick me up at the airport and I am not going to wine and dine in expensive five star restaurants.

In fact I am staying like a local in an apartment in Potts Point, I am getting a bus pass and I am going to take my meals at local hanfg outs. I´ve done the sights in Sydney so this time I´m going to hang at the beach - who knows I might take up surfing......... I am not even going to bring 12 pairs of shoes this time - I know a scary concept but hopefully quite liberating. 


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2 weeks 'til my trip to Sydney and I am traveling alone this time, not that I didn't try to get some friends to join me for mardi gras but aparently no one has any money or can't take time off.
I am actually quite excited about going down under on my own, used to travel a lot on my own when I was younger and one of those trips resulted in a 19 year relationship. Not expecting that this time, but I'm sure I'll make lots of new friends.
I am however panicing a bit , Sydney is so body orientated - so no more food and double the gym time

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This picture pretty much sums up what gay berlin is all about. The whole gay scene at first glance seems very exciting but after a while it becomes a bit owerwhelming. Everything is geared towards sex, sex and than again sex........................ The second you check in to the hotel you are sized up by the staff and other hotel guests and the hotel staff volunteer information on the best dark rooms and party/sex clubs. 

Obviously I was curious and checked out some bars and hey I am no prude but  the whole experience became a bit seedy so after peeping for a few minutes I had had enough................ It all seemed a bit to easy and for me it kind of took away the excitment. The exciting flirty tension in the air just wasn´t there - bang on seemed to be the koncept and to tell you the truth for me it was quite a turn off actually so I got out of there quite quickly. 

I am sure that if I had had more time in Berlin I could have found different more suttle venues more suitable for an old fart like me - or maybe not, maybe Berlin is the IRL version of Grindr and that´s the whole attraction.

 The excitment I think lies in the "forbidden" and when everything is allowed and available 24/7 the excitment wears off very quickly...............


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