Interior designer, ex tv personality and above all world traveller.........

Managed to tick off 116 countries so far and I have become a bit of a master on longhaul weekend trips. So why not start sharing some of those experiences.............I have a lot of opinions on airlines premium services and so far the winner is Singapore airlines tightly followed by Virgin atlantic and their upper can´t beat the bar onboard to kill time across the Atlantic.

I will also share some design inspiration from my trips and cool bars and restaurants.


Love love love hello magazine

Now I am in full control of european royals, riff raff and has beens

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I really really hate the A380 4 billion passangers in leisure suits passing through the club cabin ........
The champagne almost goes flat
The 747 is just sooooo much more stylish ..........
Obviously on s good day under upper deck , normal day on upper deck

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Love love love british airways 
Slightly congested in london 
And the purser leans over and whispers in my ear "sir we might be circling for a while should I bring you another bevvie????

I reply ..... Diet coke 
Reply : sorry sir I have sealed the trolley but put a couple of bottles of champagne on ice for circling emergencies ................
I almost came in my underwear STYLISH 

I know other airlines like quatar airways etc win awards all the time and they give immaculate service .......
 I'm sorry anyone trained young skinny and gorgeous  can give 5 star service...... But the sence and feeling of your passengers come from experience and loving your job

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Seats are not wide and soft like US domestic first but such a bliss that they block the middle seat and put a cocktail table there .......... What else do you need think they should start to serve pre take off shampoooooo on european flights as wel

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If you think about it, it's rather adorable wine on tap and mamma scans meatballs........ Not really ba terminal 5 but star points for trying

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Finally packed ....... Sort of
Spent 1 hr looking for my ray bans
Have 19 pairs of fab sunglasses but never ever leave home without my ray bans

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Just convinced myself I desperately need 12 pairs of shoes + 6 pairs of flip flops

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Need to leave in an hour and haven't packed a thing .......
I need a housekeeper badly
Opened a bottle of champagne and looked at the suitcase, as usual

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Ok message to all airlines.....
I never ever check in on line, I pay good money for business class and need the full attention and I need you to pull out all the stops to impress me. An i pad or automated machine can never do that - I love interaction with super service minded people. Seriously I'm fishing for an upgrade to first

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Started packing , yippie summer jeans but perhaps a little optimistic about the fit
F-ing christmas

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Sometimes it´s really hard work to prepare for a holiday in the sun, puh..........
Pedicure and feet - fixed

Roots - fixed

A ton of hair care products purchased - fixed

A quick session on the sun bed - fixed

Ironing - wtf, I´ll bring it and turn it in to the cleaners on arrival

Weight loss - mmmmm........almost there

Packed - not yet................. sometime tonight........

Totally exhausted, so looking forward to 11 hours in a flat bed on BA


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Just got back from the gym and seriously I don´t tend to bring my gay cruising eyes with me there, on the contrary I do an awful lot of looking down to avoid peeping. I have however noticed lately that just about all men, gay or straight shave their privates ????? Wtf, I really think it looks completely absurd, especially if you are a few ponds overweight. There is a creese of fat hanging over the root of the "member" and it actually looks like a horizontal vagina................was going to post a picture but I am sure you all get the picture. Why can´t men be men ??? gay or straight. Men grow beards to cover up laughing lines in their faces, to look younger and manlier I guess but shave their privates I don´t get it. Is it to look yunger ? Or is it just a trick to make it look bigger ??? I have news for you guys the effect is neither or it just looks stupid and in my book a complete turn off. A nice trim yes but a complete shave no no no

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Theatre season is in full swing in Stockholm at the moment and busloads of country folks are invading the city. With it comes the most horrible hair dos (don'ts)
It seems like there is a beauty parlor in every converted garage out there in the boonies, think steel magnolias, and the most awful hair cuts and colour jobs are created there......
For sake pick up a magazine and see what's in fashion at the moment, but no - instead these salons produce the most colourful badger looks imaginable. It's a real eye sore for a city queen like me

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Winter is closing in and a sudden panic appeared. Need to plan the travelling season, I just can´t take 8 months of darkness.............. So have been busy booking tickets. Cape Town over New Year, Tokyo early spring and even planning and booking Provincetown in August just to secure some good weather for summer. next week a little activity trip to Rovaniemi in Finland - santa claus land for some nature activities and Aurora Borealis. 

Need to squeeze someplace warm in the travel season January and February as well but having problems to decide where.

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It's all fine and dandy to downsize apartment , but seriously I am so running out of space. I was never a minimalist but on 58 sq meters (600 sq foot) it's not easy to house 78 pairs of shoes
Yes I have a fabulous walk through closet but it's getting a bit packed and I'm having real problems colour coordinating it.
Do straights really have this problem ???

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No no no , just because I like fashion and wear bright colours does not mean I am a passive screaming queen, all it means is that I am extremely comfortable in my masculinity and spend way to much money on clothes.

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Just got back from a weekend in London, yes I admit I went there to meet someone I really like, we had a try about a year ago and it went to hell why on earth I thaught it would work better this time is beyond me. Was supposed to stay with him but ended up 3 nights in hotels. he claimed he got sick ................ whatever I really am to nice and get used all the time and seriously I think I was thinking more with my dick than my head .......... Pathetic I know but he is really really sexy. Not really licking my wounds, more feel like a dickhead for actually getting sucked in to it.

Anyway London was fantastic and I like a true fag does when we feel down we shop, shop ´til we fucking drop............... 4000 pounds later and happiness was restored, who needs to eat anyway................. 
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Guys guys guys . is this how it's  going to be now ?? 22 years away from the serious gay scene and this is as far we have come ??? Fucking around yes I'm all for it if single or agreed  but wtf

Drugs drugs drugs - you need drugs to have fun, drugs to fuck, drugs to take a big one up your ass or down your throat, drugs to sleep, drugs to relax e t c. And ofcourse if you are top drugs to get it up.........And we are not talking 85+ here and then of course after all that,  hiv drugs to stay alive .........

And people huff and puff and judge me for smoking, well fuck you , atleast I'll die stylish .........and having a fab glass of champagne or a vodka martini is apparently totally out

Well anyway you poppers and other chem fans out there, its only fair to let you know - as a top it really sucks  to fuck someone with a limp poppers dick and an anus so relaxed by drugs you might as well stick your dick in the pacific ocean .... It all feels soooo 1983 ........, Didn't we learn anything from that time??????

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Mens fall fashion 2015 is ab fab, managed to spend a fortune on 2 coats at selfridges yesterday

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Seriously grindr, scruff and planet romeo is completely insane here had to turn them off - running out of battery every other hour

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Went to the V&A yesterday for the shie exhibition (ofcourse) women have suffered through history. Found a pair of mens shoes ....... Hello, I am wuite brave when it comes to shoes but

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After the rather horrible breakfast experience I finally landed a brilliant caffee latte at hotel chocolat in covent garden. To bad I'm gay because they have the most fantastic selection of little chocolat treats - straight people are munching away like it's going out of fashion

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Just love big cities like london grindr goes off like some little old lady feeding a slot machine - not that I'm looking to hook up but wtf..... It's a smorgasbord of gorgeous men - I hate living in a small city like stockholm sometimes. Besides some odd tourist grindr in stockholm is a bit like a womens social club.

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Got in late last night to paddington, checked in to a rather low budget hotel interiors from hell, noisy, low energy lightbulbs - you get the drift. So got my ass down to breakfast which ends at 8.45 ?????? On a saturday morning bizzare ......... I'm gay so obviously no carbs so got my hands on a couple of eggs - I mean really how f-ing difficult is it to find a descent egg these days . The so called ham (spam) looked positively like some insulation material made of pressed lips and ass.
I am soooooo moving today, yes I am a spoiled queen who thaught I could slum it in a low budget hotel - but no no no if this is how the other half lives I am so not f-ing interested .............

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Arrived late last night in London, staying at a rather iffy hotel - breakfast concists of ham cheese and some dishwater they call coffee

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Yesterday was pre pride kixk off at victoria - sooo crowded - good sign for a fab pride week

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Found this in a vintage shop, provincetown afternoon T-dance perfect

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Just a short one here -
Jeb Bush - what a fucking moron

"Being raised by a single mom limits the possibilities of young people being able to live lives of purpose and meaning"

What planet is he from ? uranus I think. 
Thank you american polititians for entertaining us with your complete and utter bullshit.

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I mean really - 14 degrees 26 of july
Enough already us poor vikings need our D- vitamins for the 8 months of darkness ahead of us

Thank god I'm going to North Carolina and provincetown in a week

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Only one week left if the alexander Mcqueen exhibition at the Victoria & Albert museum in London. No chance to get tickets but buy a membership for 65 quid it is so worth it I've sern I think, the man was a true genious.

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It is cold roller blading today

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Grindr guy - Hi
me -hello there how are you?
Grindr guy - Fine, I want to suck a big fat daddy dick
me - despite being twice your age I never considered myself the daddy type, how old are you ?
Grindr guy - 25, do you have poppers
-Doesn´t do it for me but never judge what other people use

Bang, that was the end of the conversation, he blocked me for fuck sake guy is only 25 and I guess need poppers to take something big and to get it up. Poppers for me is such an eighties drug .............and it gives me headaches - and seriously 
I´m no f-ing drugdealer if you need it get it yourself

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They didn't think fillers was a good option for me, but suggested some laser treatment and that I went though with the fat transplant to fill out my saggy face.
I was so willing to part with vast amounts of money - but they wouldn' take it .....I guess some credit to them
Back to square one...
Obviously I will get a second opinion

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Went to the plastic surgeon last week but he thaught it was to early for a full facelift. I obviously didn´t agree with him. He suggested moving fat from my lovehandles (the nerve to suggest I have love handles..........) to my face to fill it out. 

Seriously, I was really ready to have him pull my skin, cut off the slack and tie it all up behind my ears, but since i was broughtup lutheran I listen to authority and went home thinking maybe it is not that bad.

Unfortunately now all I do is inspect myself in the mirror and today I finally gave up and made an appointment to have som fillers injeccted to see if that can make some difference - if they work I will then do the fat transplant which apparently is a more permanent solution.

I have very few problems getting older but when your face says your age and I now I have my body in descent shape and my mind is young and vibrant it sucks to have a face that doesn´t match.

I always believed that if you should do things do them properly once and for all and fillers seem like a halfway result and not forever lasting, and I hate injections - but I am going to try it. If nothing else to see what all the fuzz is all about.

To be continued.............

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Donald, Donald, Donald .........
Any american can become president but seriously ........... A 70 year old billionaire looking for a hobby, or what's the deal ????
For a swede like myself we would never concider a senior citizen running our country, hello we need energy, new blood, new ideas not someone that needs a diaperchange between meetings........
Is america once again elect a white konservative male pensioner ??
Think again people, just look at his hairdo (or hairdon't) do you really want hus picture on a stamp or a 100 dillar bill ????

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Fuck I just realized I have to get one of those silly selfie sticks or poles or wtf they are called ........ That's really embarrasing since I have trashed other idiots walking around with them around town

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My dog's got the right idea in weather like this - I AM SO STAYING IN BED

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Sun in sun out, weather is all over the place 
Still getting ready for a rollerblade session with nipples frozen stiff, hello gravity is fighting my falling ass by the minute and I am sooooo determined to win this battle.

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